Thursday, September 25, 2014

I promise I'll get better!

Okay, so I know that my posts have been a little inconsistent, and I apologize and promise to start being a little more consistent.  Never thought moving would be so demanding, both physically AND emotionally!  Finally got furniture taken to the donation center, painters have come in and painted everything boring white.  I stopped by the condo the other night to empty the fridge/freezer and throw away some things and I will admit, seeing it in the midst of being painted was super soon as I got back into my car, I was in full blown crying mode.  Taylor and I had been fighting nonstop for a few days-I wasn't giving her enough attention and time (keep in mind, we are in completely different States right now and time zones), and I was VERY overwhelmed trying to get my condo emptied out.  It's amazing how much "little things" you can accumulate after living in a place for about 2.5 years.  Most of my things I had to look at and go "well, I throw you away or donate you...".  It finally got to the point where I was just throwing almost everything away.  My garage still has some things that still need to be donated-Jacks toys and kennel and dog beds, some more clothes and shoes and more odds and ends.  

I won't lie-it's been uber tough...on me, on Taylor and on US.  As much as I would love to be that couple that everyone looks at and goes "man, I wish we were like that", we aren't.  We're both stubborn, we're both selfish at times and needy.  There's a lot we don't agree on (politics being a HUGE one, as I am a Republican (I know, I'm one of the few lesbian republicans) and she is a Democrat), and there's many times we don't see eye to eye.  However, we always work it out in the may take a few days, and some time without talking to each other and a possible explosion of words here and there, but, we always find that reason to make it back.  And I think a lot of couples are like that...we're far from that perfect couple that you love and hate at the same time, but you know what, I bet those perfect couples are actually boring...I mean, how do you NOT get into an argument?!  I just decided that Taylor and I are more passionate about things than the perfect couples are...I think we're the couple that will be arguing in the kitchen and then one of us (probably me) will throw a plate or cup down and smash it out of frustration and then we'll both look at each other and start laughing so hard that tears come out, and end up cuddled on the couch eating ice cream and watching Netflix...yea, that's more like us, we're that couple and darn proud of it :o)

Well, if you haven't noticed, I tend to go off on little tangents-it runs in my family, all Nichols' do this...tomorrow is my last day of work, and then Jack and I fly out to Louisiana on Wednesday, October 1st, and I promise to make my posts a little more frequent before we leave, and then once out there, they'll most likely be an everyday occurrence, so be prepared for more rants and tangents and stories that really have nothing to do with each other :o)

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

I'm not a Lesbian, but my Girlfriend is

Okay, so I know I've totally been slacking...trying to get my condo emptied and packed has been a discustingly hot nightmare.  My previous post of my sucking it up because I'm an Air Force wife and I've got this was complete BS...It's too freaking hot and I have been a moody, sweaty hot mess!  And, yes, it has taken it's toll slightly on the marriage, as the wife has tried to be supportive, then she reminds me that it's 73 in Shreveport...which is NOT what I need to here when it's 9 at night and still in the 90's and my clothes are soaked from sweat from packing.

But, now, with me finally remembering that I am the eldest and have younger siblings that are basically my minions, am finally done.  Well, everything is basically out except the furniture, however, that has been moved into the center of the rooms so painters can come in and do their thing, and then this weekend, my furniture will be meeting Michael at Out of the Closet and he will be finding them a new home.  So, goodby moody, sweaty, yucky wife :o)

So, aside from my venting about condo, it's kind of been a little joke that I am totally not a lesbian...I don't give off any "gay" vibes, and no one really saw it coming when I had my first girlfriend a few years ago.  When I had my first girlfriend, I think every one just kind of thought that maybe it was a phase or that I was just trying something different, or whatever.  And then I might my now wife, and then every one was like "you're just gay for Taylor...", and, well, I think that kind of is true.  I have dated a few girls in the 3 years since I came out, however, it's never really felt like anything more than friends.  Taylor really is the only girl that gives me butterflies and makes me weak in the knees and whatnot.

Anywho, back to the reason of this quick little post/blog/whateveritscalled...Taylor found this sweatshirt, My Girlfriend Is, and I totally think we need to get this for me!!!!  Except, it would need to say "Wife" of course.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Gotta Start Sometime

So, this is a work in progress right now, but figured I should probably get something started...
Well, it's a hot Saturday morning here in Long Beach and the in-laws and I are doing a yard sale.  Two and a half more weeks until Jack and I are flying to Louisiana to join my wife and start our life at Barksdale AFB.  My goal is to have my condo emptied by tomorrow night so that I can get it cleaned, painted and rented by the 1st of October.  I guess this is giving me a little warm up to get me used to packing and moving when we PCS next.
It's been a little difficult, since Jack and I are flying instead of driving...I'm having to get rid of EVERYTHING I own.  I have 2 suitcases that I'm being on the plane with me with clothes and softball gear.  I've been shipping a few things out little by little...My PS3 and headset and some other electronics, my grandmother's glasses, etc.  I have bigger boxes set aside to ship...My kitchen stuff (baking stuff, China, cookware), movies, books that I can't give up and so on.  Just as a little fyi, we searched around for moving companies, pods and everything else, and a friend suggested Greyhound.  I was like, wait, like the bus Greyhound?! So I Googled it (I absolutely LOVE Google), and sure enough, you can ship via Greyhound, and it's super cheap!  So, my heavier boxes will be going to Shreveport via Greyhound bus.
As for our house out there, we get our keys on the 26th.  Taylor has moved out if the dorms and is staying with friends that live on base as well.  We've been trying to decorate the house together, but being in different states, it's been a little hard.  We actually kinda got a little irritated with each other this morning...she's been trying to get me to pick colors, and I haven't yet.  I kind of want to be a part of decorating our first home, and she wants to have it ready for me when I get out there.  Have I mentioned that we are both extremely stubborn...
Suffice to say, I can't wait until October 1st!  We got to spend our first week married together, and then it's all been FaceTime, Snapchat and normal phone calls and texts.  It's hard being married and starting a new life together when you're almost 2,000 miles apart.  But, I am a n Air Force wife, and I need to get used to this, and suck it up and get my butt in gear and going!
Well, I guess that's kinda it for now, ta ta for now.