About Me

'ello (said in my best british accent), I'm guessing since you've clicked on my "About Me" tab that you're looking to get to know me a bit...well, let's start off with a name - there are some that call me....Lisa (hoping that there are some Monty Python fans out there slightly chuckling...if not, then there are probably lot's of people looking slightly confused and I apologize for my nerdiness).

I'd say that I'm your average 30+ year old...I work, I play (main softball now as I am TOO out of shape to get back into soccer), I have a dog, Jack Daniels, and most recently, now have a wife, and as part of my wife's wedding gift to me, I got the Air Force too!!!  [cue confetti and balloons and clapping and maybe some streamers]

So, why have I decided to start a blog, especially since I have NO IDEA what I'm doing?  Well, as I said, I am now a new military spouse, but not just a normal run of the mill military spouse, I am a lesbian military spouse [gasp] and, well, while I found blog upon blog about military spouses, I was not really able to find one that screamed "hey, I'm a gay military spouse, read me!".  So, after a co-worker mentioned that maybe I should start one, and after I kinda laughed at her rediculous idea, the idea sort of sunk in and anchored itself and, well, now, here ya go.

I've never really read a blog, so I honestly have no idea what to do, but figured this would be a fun thing to do so familiy and friends could follow me on my new lesbian military adventure.  And heck, who knows, maybe even be able to take over the lesbian military spouse blogging world (okay, not really), or at least give a laugh to whomever pops by blog and realizes that I am just a big fat nerd writting posts about my (hopefully) entertaining life as an Air Force wife, who happens to be married to a lesbian.

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